GlowSend FAQs
Have a question? Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions to find your answer. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to We’re more than happy to help you have an incredible GlowSend experience.

Yes, GlowSend is secure.
We provide world-class security through our partnership with Ukheshe, a global platform created in 2018 to ensure that South African SMMEs are not left behind as the world transitions to online banking.
In addition, as a financial product, we are subject to rigorous South African compliance practices.
Ukheshe is a global platform created in 2018 to ensure that South African SMMEs are not left behind as the world transitions to online banking. Today, Ukheshe enjoys endorsement from The World Bank, is a Mastercard Start Path partner, and took second place in the KPMG Private Enterprise Global Tech Innovator Africa competition in 2021.
As a GlowSend merchant, you submit your invoice to your customers in South African Rands. While the client receives the invoice amount in South African Rand, they will be able to pay in their currency of choice while GlowSend ensures you receive South African Rand into your bank account.
You only pay when your customers pay you:
- 3.5% per processed transaction
- 2 ZAR per daily payout
A PDF invoice is generated in under a minute and you have the option of forwarding the PDF yourself or have GlowSend send it on your behalf.
Every transaction can be tracked through GlowSend from within WhatsApp.
We use multiple methods of ensuring your clients’ details are protected, including:
- Data encryption: Through our partnership with Ukheshe, we use advanced encryption techniques to protect your customers' data during payment processing. This prevents unauthorized access.
- Customer authentication: Multi-factor authentication processes are used to verify your customers' identities, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.
- Anti-fraud systems: Advanced anti-fraud systems and algorithms are implemented to identify suspicious activities and prevent fraudulent activities.